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ProduceIQ: Weather extremes rock growers across the Americas, yet produce prices hold steady

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2024 is setting records for extreme weather events. In the past week, growers across the Americas have been affected by intense heat, hail, rain, drought, wind, and cold.

ProduceIQ: Extreme weather hits Texas and West

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Over the last seven days, 6-20 inches of rain fell in Houston, TX, and surrounding areas. Most places experienced the bulk of that rainfall within a 24-hours, and water levels are higher in some towns than during the devastating floods from Hurricane Harvey in 2017.

ProduceIQ: Warm weather drives down fresh produce prices as commodity supply surges

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Produce markets are experiencing a shift as warmer weather brings new Western and Southeastern growing regions online.

ProduceIQ: Produce markets prepare for Cinco de Mayo

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Overall produce prices stick to the status quo. Prices are down -2 percent over the previous week, which aligns with previous trends for week #16.

ProduceIQ: Wind challenges golfers and growers alike

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Blistering winds whipped through growing regions on the West Coast and Southeast as separate fronts brought rain and cooler weather to California, Arizona, and parts of the Southeast.

ProduceIQ: Eclipsing expectations with Week 14 highlights

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It might just be the ample amount of time I spent listening to fire and brimstone Southern Baptist preachers, but between the persistent media buzz about the total eclipse and the 17-year cicada emergence just days away in the Southeast and Midwest, Week #14 is feeling spattered with a bit of apocalyptic verve.

ProduceIQ: Watermelon supply mysteriously evaporates overnight

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Spring is not all vibrant blooms and backyard grilling. The arrival of warmer weather brings a capriciousness to forecasts that impacts everything from crop yields to quality and availability.

ProduceIQ: March Madness meets Easter produce demand

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About as fickle as a March Madness bracket, Spring transition has arrived! In search of better-growing conditions, most produce commodities will transition northward over the next five weeks.

ProduceIQ: A very lucky Weekly Market Highlights

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As the luck of the Irish would have it, we're kicking off this week's produce industry newsletter with updates that might make you feel like you've found a pot of gold.

ProduceIQ: Cucumber prices at record levels

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Cucumber markets are putting on an Oscar-worthy performance. Short supply on both coasts has solidified cucumber prices at a ten-year high.