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Asparagus prices keep rising as supplies tighten

- General News
Markon Cooperative released this asparagus crop update, showing supplies remain extremely scarce, and prices will continue climbing.

ProduceIQ: Holiday prices burn bright for fresh produce

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We can’t guarantee 2023 will end on a high note, but we can predict it will be an expensive finale for produce buyers.

ProduceIQ: Wait…isn’t hurricane season over?

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Heavy rain and cooler weather have plagued growers across the Southeastern US and Mexico for weeks. Produce prices are accelerating as holiday demand swells.

ProduceIQ: Pacific hurricane potential remains, as market prices at highest for week #43

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Buckle up and prepare to see significant fluctuations in the supply and prices of products grown in the Salinas/Watsonville areas.

Jacobs, Malcolm & Burtt showcase their perfect trio

- General News
The Jacobs, Malcolm & Burtt tradeshow team is gearing up for another year at the highly anticipated Global Produce & Floral Show to showcase their perfect product trio.

PAIA releases 2022-23 Fresh Asparagus Report

- General News
The USDA statistics report that of total imported quantities for 2022, the US imported a decrease volume of 13% year over year which is down from 2021.

ProduceIQ: Unseasonably high produce prices remain

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While the back-to-school season is usually marked by rejoicing parents and low summer produce prices, extreme weather is forcing some unlikely commodities to pull average prices to a ten-year high.

ProduceIQ: Summertime sadness strikes produce markets

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Produce markets repeat history with a week defined by declining prices. This week marks the beginning of the summer doldrums—a six-week period in which produce prices wilt along with the rest of us in the summer heat.

Michigan asparagus reviews spring-summer promotions

- General News
As the Michigan Asparagus season ends, retail promotions, a new website, social promotions and a giveaway collaboration mark key highlights of the 2023 season.

Bad weather limits Peruvian asparagus exports

- International
Peruvian Asparagus Importers Association discussed the asparagus industry 2023 production difficulties at their June 22nd, PAIA Board Meeting, in Miami Florida.