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ProduceIQ: Markets are fully priced and poised to go higher

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'It ain't over till it's over.' We are in the final stretch of the Atlantic Hurricane Season, but surprisingly, there is still activity threatening Florida.

ProduceIQ: Industry prices soften, still 18% higher than next highest

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Sweet corn is the next commodity trying to break the index. A gap in production in the West and minimal Eastern supply is shooting prices over the moon.

ProduceIQ: Prices decline yet remain at historic highs

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Heat has brought a wide variety of northern states into early harvest. However, despite a few price declines this week, overall produce markets remain at record highs.

Amaize promotes its sweet corn as ‘best corn you’ll ever eat’

- General News
Amaize sweet corn is a unique breed of white corn with a distinct pop, crunch, and ‘real corn’ flavor.

Summer Stock: Sweet corn and berries

- Produce Blueprints
For Mark Hayes, president of Harvard, IL-based grower-shipper Twin Garden Sales, Inc., summer produce means sweet corn.

ProduceIQ: Extreme heat continues; Cherries ‘break’ the index

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Cherries in the Northwest are mourning the loss of their fallen brethren. Due to a late snow in April, which devastated the bloom in some regions, cherries have insufficient volume for the spot market.

Duda Farm Fresh Foods launches summer sweet corn sweepstakes

- General News
Duda Farm Fresh Foods, a leading grower of fresh vegetables and citrus, launches the "Sweet That Can't Be Beat" sweepstakes, encouraging consumers to get a little corny this summer with a promotion centered around Dandy® sweet corn.

ProduceIQ: A few ‘buys’ open before Mother’s Day

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In produce terms, it's OK to pay a little more for quality product. Due to warmer spring temperatures, fresh produce markets across the country are beginning to benefit from wonderful produce at fair prices.

ProduceIQ: Spring prices stabilize at elevated levels

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Produce markets held steady over the previous week in a surprising hiatus from springtime volatility. Price increases in berries, tomatoes, and corn offset declines in lettuce, celery, and asparagus prices. Still, it wouldn't be a week in fresh produce without a touch of drama.

ProduceIQ: Cold snap singes Florida crops

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Winter Olympians and Ottawa truckers weren't the only ones shivering in the bitter cold this week. Across the country, temperatures plunged as two massive storms battered much of the U.S.