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GMO corn and the fresh produce trade

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While disputes about genetically engineered corn doesn't affect fresh produce directly, we should be aware of indirect consequences.

ProduceIQ: Markets bite into summer

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Significant increases in commodities such as raspberries, celery, and sweet corn are balancing the scale and steadying the index. Even with the continued hemorrhaging of cherry prices, average produce prices are flat over the prior week.

ProduceIQ: With Salinas transition behind schedule, growers work to extend harvest

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The annual transition northward from areas such as Brawley, CA, back to Salinas, CA, is behind schedule. Growers in the South will attempt to prevent a gap in production by extending the harvest.

Fresh Farms: bell pepper and corn season update

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Volumes remain light due to earlier weather in both the Florida & Mexico growing regions but overall quality has been outstanding mostly in part due to more temperate growing conditions.

Exhausted produce buyers ready for a Thanksgiving siesta

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With plenty of leftovers in the average refrigerator, retail slumps faster than you can say tryptophan.

ProduceIQ: Markets bound on a faint breeze

- Analysis

Prices are exceptionally sensitive this year. With slightly less-than-ideal weather conditions, sellers have been able to …


ProduceIQ: Blueberries blissful at peak, pending the inevitable decline

- Analysis
Business has been anything but usual for foodservice in Canada, and once again the lifeblood of the hospitality industry is being threatened with increased restrictions, including curfews that are broadly defied.

ProduceIQ: Once again, Avocados fly close to the sun

- General News
The swing of Spring is well underway and much of the fresh produce industry is transitioning to new harvesting regions. Though prices broadly are flat, volume continues to accelerate as spring crops begin harvest.

ProduceIQ: Supply shortages drive prices higher

- Analysis
Prices are on the upswing, climbing another 7 percent on an industry-wide basis.

ProduceIQ: The coming of Spring thaws frozen demand

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Following the cold, long days of winter, the coming of spring invites optimism for increased demand in fresh produce.