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REVIEW: Green Goddess dressing made with Green Devotion juice

produce with pamela

Evolution Fresh, the Starbucks juice brand recently acquired by Bolthouse Farms, invited me to a virtual taste test panel and shared a selection of juices ranging from super sweet to super green.

While I am a big fan of green juice — the greener-tasting, the better — the rest of the people in my house are not. So my ears perked up when they suggested using it in a Green Goddess dressing recipe. I haven’t made my own Green Goddess before, but have been intrigued with the idea.

Recipes usually have a mix of herbs along with myriad options for dressing base, from mayo to Greek yogurt to avocado. The ingredients are usually a complicated list, which is why I’ve never tried to make it before.

The recipe shared by Evolution Fresh, however, has only six:

  • ½ cup + 2 tbsp Evolution Fresh Organic Green Devotion juice
  • 1 cup raw cashews
  • 1 tbsp nutritional yeast
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • ½ tsp salt

I admit some skepticism based on this list, particularly the cashews and nutritional yeast. Those aren’t usually in my wheelhouse, but I thought the idea of a vegan version of this dressing was interesting.

I never would have thought to use a juice like this in a recipe like this. Now I’m wondering how else I could use some of these blends. Juice, for me, is an indulgence and not an everyday thing. I’m not thrilled with the idea of all that sugar without the fiber from eating whole fruit.

My 9-year-old, in particular, is a big fan of the tangerine juice we buy on our occasional trips to Trader Joe’s. Maybe I’lk keep my eyes open for some more juice options with recipes in mind.


Evolution Fresh, the Starbucks juice brand recently acquired by Bolthouse Farms, invited me to a virtual taste test panel and shared a selection of juices ranging from super sweet to super green.

While I am a big fan of green juice — the greener-tasting, the better — the rest of the people in my house are not. So my ears perked up when they suggested using it in a Green Goddess dressing recipe. I haven’t made my own Green Goddess before, but have been intrigued with the idea.

Recipes usually have a mix of herbs along with myriad options for dressing base, from mayo to Greek yogurt to avocado. The ingredients are usually a complicated list, which is why I’ve never tried to make it before.

The recipe shared by Evolution Fresh, however, has only six:

  • ½ cup + 2 tbsp Evolution Fresh Organic Green Devotion juice
  • 1 cup raw cashews
  • 1 tbsp nutritional yeast
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • ½ tsp salt

I admit some skepticism based on this list, particularly the cashews and nutritional yeast. Those aren’t usually in my wheelhouse, but I thought the idea of a vegan version of this dressing was interesting.

I never would have thought to use a juice like this in a recipe like this. Now I’m wondering how else I could use some of these blends. Juice, for me, is an indulgence and not an everyday thing. I’m not thrilled with the idea of all that sugar without the fiber from eating whole fruit.

My 9-year-old, in particular, is a big fan of the tangerine juice we buy on our occasional trips to Trader Joe’s. Maybe I’lk keep my eyes open for some more juice options with recipes in mind.


Pamela Riemenschneider is the Retail Editor for Blue Book Services.