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7 Reasons Leaders Fail: #7- Lack of Vision

- Produce Blueprints
Most companies have a vision statement. Why don’t leaders? A lack of imagination can hinder the ability to lead and prevent a company from seizing opportunities to thrive.

7 Reasons Leaders Fail: #6- Failure to Change

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No business leader needs to be told that resistance to change can be the death of a company.

7 Reasons Leaders Fail: #5- Inability to Communicate Effectively

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Nothing is more fatal to a business than poor communication—and this also starts at the top.

7 Reasons Leaders Fail: #4- Taking People for Granted

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Employees keep a business moving and growing, but they’re also people who don’t want to feel as if they’re being taken for granted.

7 Reasons Leaders Fail: #3- Managing Through Fear

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The business world is tough, and the cost of failure is high. Some leaders develop thick skin that enables them to weather the stresses of competition, but others go too far and begin to use fear and intimidation to govern the workplace.

7 Reasons Leaders Fail: #2- Moral Lapses

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It’s hardly a radical position to say that many business leaders focus on the bottom line to the exclusion of all other values.

7 Reasons Leaders Fail: #1- Refusing to Delegate

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Many leaders, particularly those who started their own businesses and went through phases of needing to handle everything themselves, develop the habit of not delegating work to their managers or employees—even ones they hired to handle some of these responsibilities.

7 Reasons Leaders Fail: Warning signs, remedies, and the road to redemption

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Whether you manage five people or five thousand, learning how to spot and prevent leadership mistakes can reduce trouble before it starts.

Keeping your focus during the ‘new abnormal’

- Analysis
One CEO recently shared his term, the “new abnormal,” to explain what is plaguing not only the produce industry but most other industries as well.

Leadership is not just about the good times, but all times

- Produce Blueprints
Leadership has been the focus of much debate and discussion. One writer after another has researched and/or opined on what makes an effective leader.