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Iceberg lettuce prices rising, while romaine eases

- General News
Iceberg markets are approaching extremely elevated levels. Green leaf and romaine prices are easing.

GRAPHIC: Lettuce by the numbers

- Analysis
Domestic iceberg lettuce volume was down in 2022, and while Mexico increased its shipments to the U.S., it wasn't enough to keep prices from rising late in the year.

Cold hits desert lettuce, but quality remains good

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Temperatures in the Arizona/California desert growing region dipped into the mid-30°s to low 40°s this morning, causing light-to moderate lettuce ice to develop.

California lettuce quality problems worsen

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Markon Cooperative's Markon First Crop (MFC) Green Leaf, Iceberg, and Romaine packs are extremely limited; Markon Best Available (MBA) is being substituted as needed.

Bad weather causing lettuce, leaf prices to surge

- General News
The continued poor weather in California growing areas is limiting supplies of iceberg and romaine lettuce, as well as green leaf varieties. As expected, prices are on a sharp rise.

Tanimura & Antle launches retail pack for Artisan Baby Iceberg

- General News
Tanimura & Antle announced today the addition of a new item to their Artisan Family of specialty products, a 2 ct. retail pack of Artisan Baby Iceberg.

Growers overcoming desert lettuce problems

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Despite freezing temperatures that hit the Arizona/California desert growing region earlier this month, growers report volumes returning, prices dropping and improved quality.

Exhausted produce buyers ready for a Thanksgiving siesta

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With plenty of leftovers in the average refrigerator, retail slumps faster than you can say tryptophan.

Northern rains couldn’t dampen demand or prices

- General News
Produce market prices are typically falling this time of year and don’t accelerate until week 46 for the Thanksgiving pull. Markets are poised to reach record highs next week and this may persist for a few weeks until Mexican supply improves.

ProduceIQ: Avocado growers prepared to fight in defense

- Analysis
Many nuances exist in avocados. Based on average industry sales for this week #29, avocados have the 2nd highest index weight, 10.4%, only trailing cherries. Both old and new crop face the eminent threat of rainy season in Mexico.