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AFF refreshes Safefruitsandveggies Website


The Alliance for Food and Farming’s (AFF) safefruitsandveggies website has been updated and refreshed to improve user experience and access to the wealth of produce safety information available at the site.

Originally launched in 2010, the website is the cornerstone of the AFF’s Safe Fruits and Veggies campaign.

The campaign’s goal is to provide science-based produce safety information to help consumers make the right shopping choices for themselves and their families in the produce aisle.

The newly refreshed website offers a revamped, modernized home page as well as a more accessible, easy-to-read blog section. The video page has also been re-organized and new videos using AI technology will be added soon. A new Consumer Tips section features produce washing information and Quick Tips from Dietitians with ideas on how to save money when shopping for fruits and vegetables and how to reduce food waste.

The most popular section of the website, the residue calculator, continues to be highlighted on the refreshed site. The calculator is based upon an analysis by University of California toxicologists of residue sampling data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Pesticide Data Program.

This expert analysis found that a child could eat hundreds to thousands of servings of a fruit or vegetable in a day and still not have any effects from pesticide residues. The calculator shows how very low residues are on popular produce items, if present at all.

The AFF works to support consumers’ shopping choices by reassuring them about the safety of all produce. Whether they choose organic or conventionally grown, both are safe and can be eaten with confidence.

Visit and @safeproduce to learn more about produce safety.

For more information, please contact: Teresa Thorne:


The Alliance for Food and Farming’s (AFF) safefruitsandveggies website has been updated and refreshed to improve user experience and access to the wealth of produce safety information available at the site.

Originally launched in 2010, the website is the cornerstone of the AFF’s Safe Fruits and Veggies campaign.

The campaign’s goal is to provide science-based produce safety information to help consumers make the right shopping choices for themselves and their families in the produce aisle.

The newly refreshed website offers a revamped, modernized home page as well as a more accessible, easy-to-read blog section. The video page has also been re-organized and new videos using AI technology will be added soon. A new Consumer Tips section features produce washing information and Quick Tips from Dietitians with ideas on how to save money when shopping for fruits and vegetables and how to reduce food waste.

The most popular section of the website, the residue calculator, continues to be highlighted on the refreshed site. The calculator is based upon an analysis by University of California toxicologists of residue sampling data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Pesticide Data Program.

This expert analysis found that a child could eat hundreds to thousands of servings of a fruit or vegetable in a day and still not have any effects from pesticide residues. The calculator shows how very low residues are on popular produce items, if present at all.

The AFF works to support consumers’ shopping choices by reassuring them about the safety of all produce. Whether they choose organic or conventionally grown, both are safe and can be eaten with confidence.

Visit and @safeproduce to learn more about produce safety.

For more information, please contact: Teresa Thorne:
