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Pepper prices remain high

bell peppers

Both red and green bell pepper markets remain high as Mexico’s volume winds down and domestic supplies increase.

In a buyer alert April 20, Markon Cooperative BB #:123315 cautioned that strong bell pepper markets would persist through April, but good weather is forecast for new crop growing regions in Florida and California. Georgia will also start to increase pepper volume by mid-May.

Markon said:

Green Bells:

  • Mexican supplies are snug as their spring acreage starts to wind down for the season
  • Small sizes are most abundant
  • Quality is average: pitting and bruising are being observed at grading facilities
  • Florida stocks remain tight even with Plant City production starting; past weather is the main culprit
  • California’s Imperial Valley supplies will increase next week as high temperatures (+90F) are forecast
  • Expect prices to ease over the next two weeks

Red Bells:

  • Mexican supplies are slowly rebounding after the Easter holiday and Texas border delays
  • Quality is average as growers work through older fields
  • Bruising is being seen in some lots
  • The Canadian greenhouse season is producing high-quality bell peppers; jumbo and extra-large sizes dominate availability
  • Expect markets to remain steady this week


Both red and green bell pepper markets remain high as Mexico’s volume winds down and domestic supplies increase.

In a buyer alert April 20, Markon Cooperative BB #:123315 cautioned that strong bell pepper markets would persist through April, but good weather is forecast for new crop growing regions in Florida and California. Georgia will also start to increase pepper volume by mid-May.

Markon said:

Green Bells:

  • Mexican supplies are snug as their spring acreage starts to wind down for the season
  • Small sizes are most abundant
  • Quality is average: pitting and bruising are being observed at grading facilities
  • Florida stocks remain tight even with Plant City production starting; past weather is the main culprit
  • California’s Imperial Valley supplies will increase next week as high temperatures (+90F) are forecast
  • Expect prices to ease over the next two weeks

Red Bells:

  • Mexican supplies are slowly rebounding after the Easter holiday and Texas border delays
  • Quality is average as growers work through older fields
  • Bruising is being seen in some lots
  • The Canadian greenhouse season is producing high-quality bell peppers; jumbo and extra-large sizes dominate availability
  • Expect markets to remain steady this week


Greg Johnson is Director of Media Development for Blue Book Services