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Tomato markets rise as weather strains crops in several regions

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Markon Cooperative reports tomato markets are higher than usual this summer season due to extreme weather and less overall acreage planted.

West Coast heat wave affecting lettuce, vegetable quality

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All row crop vegetables that have been exposed to these temperatures are expected to exhibit varying levels of heat-related quality and shelf-life concerns over the next two weeks.

Markon hires East Coast Regional Buyer

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Markon, a leading fresh produce purchasing and marketing organization, is excited to announce the establishment of a new Regional Buyer position on the East Coast.

Markon: Idaho Norkotah potatoes to run out in June

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Markon Cooperative released a potato market update that Markon First Crop Burbank and Norkotah Potatoes are available in Idaho and Washington, but that's ending soon.

Mexican avocado supplies to tighten this summer

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Mexico’s normal-style avocado supplies are tightening as the season is rapidly winding down, while the loca-style crop is not expected to meet maturity standards until mid-July.

Expect tighter lemon, lime supplies and higher prices in June

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Markon Cooperative released these crop updates on lemons and limes on June 4, 2024, projecting tighter supplies and higher prices in June.

Iceberg lettuce prices rising, while romaine eases

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Iceberg markets are approaching extremely elevated levels. Green leaf and romaine prices are easing.

Cantaloupe, honeydew markets ease as crops transition from off-shore to domestic

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Markon Cooperative released a melon market update, showing the Central American melon season is winding down ahead of the Arizona-California domestic season; markets are slightly lower.

Disease pressure limits California romaine supplies

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Growers in California’s Salinas Valley continue to deal with lingering Anthracnose pressure, which is the primary reason romaine supplies are limited.

California rain cancels, delays harvests

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California’s Salinas Valley and Santa Maria growing regions received upwards of .5” of rain with estimated totals to reach as high as .1” in the next 24 hours.