Tag: cherries
Bloom Fresh opens new fruit breeding campus
- General News
BLOOM FRESH, one of the world’s leading premium fruit-breeding companies, specializing in table grapes, cherries, and raisins, proudly announces the grand opening of its state-of-the-art breeding campus, FRUITWORKS, the BLOOM FRESH Discovery Center, in McFarland, California.
Blazer Wilkinson Gee expands into citrus, cherries, and grapes
- General News
Blazer Wilkinson Gee, a leading year-round grower and shipper of Foxy Brand Strawberries and Blueberries, today announced its expansion into the marketing of South American citrus, grapes, and cherries.
ProduceIQ: Prices drop during big news week
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Despite the headline-grabbing nature of our big news weekend, the headline most affecting produce markets is the heat wave holding a fierce grip over the West.
ProduceIQ: Market drops in the dog days of summer
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There is no denying that we are in the throes of the dog days of summer. As we begin this week, heat is the most widespread weather hazard across Central and North America growing regions.
Chilean fruit exports reached record figures in Q1 2024
- International
Odepa announced in its news bulletin that from January to April 2024, fruit exports were close to 1.5 million tons (+3.8 percent) only surpassed in 2018, and in terms of value they reached a historical record of $4.441 billion FOB (+7.2 percent), increasing for the fourth consecutive year compared to the same period of the previous year.
CMI Orchards now offers Skylar Rae cherries
- General News
Skylar Rae bi-color cherry harvest at CMI Orchards is in full swing for a profitable short season for retailers.
Northwest cherry season gets underway
- General News
The harvest of Northwest-grown sweet cherries has begun, which means a new crop of this superfruit will start appearing in produce sections nationwide.
Stemilt expects stronger organic cherry supplies
- General News
Organic cherries are making a comeback for the 2024 crop with an opportunity to promote and boost cherry dollars during key times in the season.
Orchard View Cherries projects strong season with large sizing
- General News
Orchard View Cherries is gearing up for a fruitful season, with an outlook of consistent, large sizing and mature sugars. Exclusively marketed by Oppy, the team eagerly awaits its first pick on June 13.
ProduceIQ: May the weather odds be ever in your favor
- Featured
Welcome to hurricane season. Tropical systems will have an easier time developing this year due to higher ocean temperatures in the Atlantic and the arrival of La Niña.