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A Trucker Tools guide to produce season

trucker tools produce map

March 1, 2024 — Today marks the unofficial start of PRODUCE SEASON, spanning from now until July (followed by the northern harvest). Produce season has very specific impacts on certain parts of the country at certain times as produce crops are harvested and shipped.

A couple of quick “must knows”:

South to North: Not all produce is harvested at the same time… fruits and vegetables that are grown in Mexico and the southern/western US are moved earlier in the year while vegetables grown in the middle of the country peak later in the spring and summer.

State-Level Volume Spikes: Some analyses suggest that outbound volume in Florida can rise as much as 30% during the spring. Understand produce-specific harvest schedules to inform your geographic capacity planning.

Inbound v. Outbound Imbalance: Truckload demand will shift across the country to hot spots for different produce (like Florida, Texas, and Washington state). Markets that are usually your backhauls may become your headhauls during very specific weeks and vice versa. Be prepared for these micro-capacity shifts several weeks in advance.

Reefers in Demand: Of course, produce has a short shelf life and can be extended through refrigeration. Start shoring up your reefer network now to make sure you’re ready to take advantage when things get tight!

What are you doing to prep for produce season?


March 1, 2024 — Today marks the unofficial start of PRODUCE SEASON, spanning from now until July (followed by the northern harvest). Produce season has very specific impacts on certain parts of the country at certain times as produce crops are harvested and shipped.

A couple of quick “must knows”:

South to North: Not all produce is harvested at the same time… fruits and vegetables that are grown in Mexico and the southern/western US are moved earlier in the year while vegetables grown in the middle of the country peak later in the spring and summer.

State-Level Volume Spikes: Some analyses suggest that outbound volume in Florida can rise as much as 30% during the spring. Understand produce-specific harvest schedules to inform your geographic capacity planning.

Inbound v. Outbound Imbalance: Truckload demand will shift across the country to hot spots for different produce (like Florida, Texas, and Washington state). Markets that are usually your backhauls may become your headhauls during very specific weeks and vice versa. Be prepared for these micro-capacity shifts several weeks in advance.

Reefers in Demand: Of course, produce has a short shelf life and can be extended through refrigeration. Start shoring up your reefer network now to make sure you’re ready to take advantage when things get tight!

What are you doing to prep for produce season?


Kary Jablonski is CEO at Trucker Tools