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Peruvian table grape exports to fall 20% in volume this campaign

vanguard peru grapes
Peruvian grapes, courtesy Vanguard

Climate problems have impacted grape production in the northern part of Peru, which will affect volume and export figures, the general manager of Dole Peru, Francisco Moraga, told Agraria.

Headshot of Marco Campos, Produce Blue Book's media coordinator for Latin America.

Regarding the projections of the 2023-2024 campaign, he indicated that Cyclone Yaku, which affected the country at the beginning of the year, is generating a very complex issue in grape production in northern Peru, which will have an impact on the southern area, such as Ica, which is the other productive area.

“This is generating very great speculation at the price level,” he said. “There is talk of a reduction from 30 to 50 percent in the north and from 5 to 10 percent in the south. What it gives us in the total spectrum of the country, I think we will reach a 20 percent reduction in the volume of table grapes. Despite this, prices can increase.”

Moraga added that they are currently developing the first crops, and “prices are through the roof, with growth based on speculation.”


Climate problems have impacted grape production in the northern part of Peru, which will affect volume and export figures, the general manager of Dole Peru, Francisco Moraga, told Agraria.

Headshot of Marco Campos, Produce Blue Book's media coordinator for Latin America.

Regarding the projections of the 2023-2024 campaign, he indicated that Cyclone Yaku, which affected the country at the beginning of the year, is generating a very complex issue in grape production in northern Peru, which will have an impact on the southern area, such as Ica, which is the other productive area.

“This is generating very great speculation at the price level,” he said. “There is talk of a reduction from 30 to 50 percent in the north and from 5 to 10 percent in the south. What it gives us in the total spectrum of the country, I think we will reach a 20 percent reduction in the volume of table grapes. Despite this, prices can increase.”

Moraga added that they are currently developing the first crops, and “prices are through the roof, with growth based on speculation.”


Marco Campos is Media Coordinator, Latin America for Blue Book Services