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Broccoli, cauliflower markets to remain tight into May 

broccoli cauliflower

Broccoli and cauliflower markets will be a struggle the next week or two for various reasons, including a normal transition and abnormal weather. 

This week Markon Cooperative?{{BB #:123315}} released crop updates on both items that spelled out the issues. 

“[Cauliflower] demand far exceeds supply in Salinas and Santa Maria, CA,” Markon said. “Rain from January and February delayed planting due to wet, muddy conditions. Abnormally low temperatures slowed plant maturity. Expect prices to continue increasing through April.” 

The broccoli market is similar when it comes to weather conditions, but they’re not quite as stressed.  

“Broccoli supplies are limited, though they are not as tight as cauliflower,” Markon reports. “Industry supplies will not sufficiently meet demand through the month of April. Expect elevated prices the entire month.” 

broc 4-20-23

Harvest in the desert growing regions should wrap up this week, and normally Santa Maria and Salinas would be ready to harvest with strong volume, but heavy rains and cool weather delayed plantings.  

“Salinas Valley fields have been opened but are not expected to meet demand until late April or early May,” Markon said. 


Broccoli and cauliflower markets will be a struggle the next week or two for various reasons, including a normal transition and abnormal weather. 

This week Markon Cooperative?{{BB #:123315}} released crop updates on both items that spelled out the issues. 

“[Cauliflower] demand far exceeds supply in Salinas and Santa Maria, CA,” Markon said. “Rain from January and February delayed planting due to wet, muddy conditions. Abnormally low temperatures slowed plant maturity. Expect prices to continue increasing through April.” 

The broccoli market is similar when it comes to weather conditions, but they’re not quite as stressed.  

“Broccoli supplies are limited, though they are not as tight as cauliflower,” Markon reports. “Industry supplies will not sufficiently meet demand through the month of April. Expect elevated prices the entire month.” 

broc 4-20-23

Harvest in the desert growing regions should wrap up this week, and normally Santa Maria and Salinas would be ready to harvest with strong volume, but heavy rains and cool weather delayed plantings.  

“Salinas Valley fields have been opened but are not expected to meet demand until late April or early May,” Markon said. 


Greg Johnson is Vice President of Media for Blue Book Services