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Peru projects 25% more grape exports in 2024-25 than 2024-23

- International
Peru expects to export 78.7 million boxes (8.2 kilos each box) this season, which would represent an increase of 25.4 percent compared to the 62,745,726 boxes shipped in the 2023-2024 campaign, according the first estimate from the Association of Table Grape Producers of Peru (Provid).

Peru’s 2024-2025 blueberry exports remain strong despite drop from estimate

- International
In the 2024-2025 campaign, Peruvian fresh blueberry shipments will reach an estimated 294,000 tons, which represents a decrease of 5.3 percent in relation to the estimate made last June (310,317 tons)

Mexican avocado exports to U.S. expected to total $2.7B in 2024

- International
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the U.S. avocado consumption has more than tripled since 2001 with about 90 percent of all avocados eaten in the U.S. coming from Mexico.

Argentina ships first batch of quarantine-treated blueberries to the U.S.

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Argentina’s Senasa certified the first export of blueberries with quarantine treatment at origin, as more than 4,000 kg of fruit left a facility in Concordia, Entre Ríos province, destined for the U.S.

Brazil begins to export mangoes to the U.S.

- International
The mango season in Brazil began the first week of August and will continue until the last week of December, with a projection of 10.7 million boxes, according to the National Mango Board week 31 crop report.

Colombia triples avocado shipments in first half of 2024

- International
The Colombia Avocado Board (CAB) announced shipment increases of more than three times the total avocado volume shipped to the U.S. during the first semester of 2024 compared to the same period last year based on a review of the Hass Avocado Board (HAB) Volume Data Dashboard and Category Data Dashboard.

Peruvian ag exports to surpass $11.5B by the end of 2024

- International
Peru’s agricultural exports reached $10.545 billion at the end of 2023, and they are projected to exceed $11.5 billion by the end of 2024

Peruvian ag exports to the U.S. grow in 2024 Q2

- International
In the second quarter of 2024, the U.S. demonstrated why it is the top market for Peruvian agricultural exports, reaching a value of $425 million, which was 17 percent more than the same period last year.

Peruvian avocado exports grew in value, but fell in volume in June 2024

- International
In June 2024, Peruvian avocado exports reached $230.4 million for 117,963 tons, which meant an increase of 28 percent in value, but a fall of 4 percent in volume, compared to what was recorded in June last year

Peruvian exports to U.S. to exceed $100B in 15 years of trade agreement

- International
After 15 years of the Peru-United States Trade Promotion Agreement, North America placed as the second most important commercial partner of Peru and the main destination market for non-traditional products, including agricultural exports