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Peruvian table grape production increases on fewer hectares

red grapes

In 2021, Peru’s National Agricultural Health Service (Senasa) certified 20,220 hectares of table grapes, representing a slight decrease of 2.5 percent in comparison to the 20,747 hectares in 2020, according to Fernando Cilloniz Benavides, president of the Inform@ccion consultancy.

But yields and volumes are still increasing, he said.

Benavides told Agraria that, “table grape areas do not grow in our country, we are with 20,000 hectares since 2018, however, the production volume does increase considerably, this is because the new varieties that are being planted are of more quality, have higher production yields and better prices in the market. What is happening in this industry is a reconversion of varieties, that allows us to increase exports both in value and volume.”

Ica is the region with the largest table grape area in 2021, reaching 9,448 hectares (9,618 hectares in 2020), followed by Piura with 7,472 hectares (7,548 hectares in 2020). Both regions represent 74 percent of the table grape are in Peru.

In regard to varieties, Red globe continues to lead with 4,495 hectares (5,244 hectares in 2020), representing 47.6 percent of the total.

“The Red globe was the dominant variety with more than 7.354 hectares five years ago, and today it has been reducing its share,” Benavides said.


Marco Campos is Media Coordinator, Latin America for Blue Book Services