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Onion prices rise for large sizes

Banner for Onion Market Update spelled out with white onions in the background.

The new onion crop is dominated by medium-sized onions, causing prices to rise for jumbos and super colossals.

In Markon Cooperative’s BB #:123315 latest crop report to buyers, it projects prices for larger sizes to continue to rise as supplies remain light.

“As super colossal stocks remain tight, demand has shifted to colossal and jumbo sizes,” the report says. “These markets will continue to inch up.”

Charts by Agtools

Super colossal and colossal supplies will increase once suppliers begin to ship out of storage in October, Markon says.

“Expect prices to remain elevated overall through October and until shippers begin to run heavy for retail Thanksgiving holiday demand,” the report says. “A smaller size profile, favoring the medium and jumbo sizes, will persist throughout the Northwest season.”

The heatwave that hit Idaho, Oregon, and Washington in June and July, when onions were in the latter stages of the growth process, has hindered growth, Markon reports.


Greg Johnson is Director of Media Development for Blue Book Services