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Filling the Plates of the Eastern Seaboard

South Jersey local strengthens the market
MS_Eastern Seaboard

Federal regulation in the transportation industry has had an effect nationwide, and in New Jersey. Consalo believes the mandatory implementation of electronic logs “has taken a lot of carriers off of the road, [creating] a shortage of trucks and higher transportation costs.” To help compensate for the challenges, Consalo says Fresh Wave increased its “vigilance on who we partner with for transport, and depending on the item or circumstance, we load trucks a day early to ensure timely deliveries.”

Fresh Future
New Jerseyans don’t shy away from challenges and the state’s fruit and vegetable suppliers are more than willing and able to tackle each season’s ups and downs. With support from the state’s Department of Agriculture and the popularity of the Jersey Fresh program, everyone along the supply chain is embracing another year of fresh market trends while already looking forward to the next.

For everyone in the fresh-focused state, just ask John Molinelli. He puts it this way, saying it’s all about “service, quality, and a premium product in the right price range.” Enough said.

Image: Yasonya, Elovich/


Courtney Kilian is based in Vista, CA and has worked with both domestic and international growers and organizations, including the Natural Resources Conservation Service and California Avocados Direct.
