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Boston: A Fitting Partnership

Boston's markets share opportunities and challenges to meet consumer demand
Boston Spotlight_MS

Ripening Market Viability
Despite the challenges, ongoing or new, Sharrino says it’s “steady as she goes; we come in everyday, do what we do best, and take care of our customers just as we’ve been doing for 30 years.”

Wilson sees the terminal markets in Boston as “more viable than ever” with retailers once again recognizing the merits of buying from wholesalers due to the scope of their offerings. Buyers, he says, can “shop at 20 different vendors and view 30 to 40 different labels and quality of the same product.”

Better yet, Wilson notes, “They can take advantage of seeing the product, negotiating, and buying close to home instead of just picking up a phone to order.”

In the end, most of the merchants view the ups and downs as part of the industry, and believe business is on the rebound.

Images: Blend Images, luisrsphoto, Alexander Raths/


Courtney Kilian is based in Vista, CA and has worked with both domestic and international growers and organizations, including the Natural Resources Conservation Service and California Avocados Direct.