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Key protocols and the new verification process for imports
MS_Game Changers

Varnis suggests FSVP requirements could have a negative impact on the industry’s smaller businesses. “If you only import avocados from Mexico and the value is well below the threshold or the producer is a very small entity, it’s not a big issue,” he reports, because importers can get written assurances from suppliers attesting to compliance. But for others, with numbers just above the threshold, FSVP training and verification activities can greatly increase costs and affect already slim margins.

The final component of FSVP compliance is enforcement. As the program moves forward, the FDA is likely to target products that pose a greater risk to public health. For fiscal 2017, the agency requested $14 million to perform FSVP inspections and provide educational activities.

The agency also plans to increase foreign facility inspections and is working with state authorities to develop their role in implementation and enforcement. Importers not in compliance with FSVP requirements will be subject to regulatory action, with warning letters and inclusion on an ‘Import Alert’ list among the penalties.

The FSVP rollout certainly presents challenges to some importers, particularly those that have had limited involvement in food safety issues. It will force receivers to take a close look at their suppliers, to not only determine who in the supply chain is controlling hazards, but to understand what is expected of them by the FDA. Business leaders involved in cross-border trade should begin now to put the pieces in place, to ensure they can meet upcoming FSVP requirements.

Images: nmedia, & cTermit/


Irene E. Lombardo is an award-winning writer/editor with more than thirty years’ experience in the financial services industry.