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Five Key Traits of Exemplary Employees

How Top Workers Can Take Your Company To The Next Level
Exemplary Employees

Financial compensation and benefits are the most obvious ways to keep employees happy, but they’re not always the most fulfilling. A supportive corporate culture that lets employees know they’re appreciated is also critical. “The best way for an organization to keep its best employees is for high-level decision makers to show them their work is valued,” observes Ruiz. “Personal thank-you notes and consistent meetings that highlight the valuable work of employees are good ways to let them know how important they are for the company, and let them know the company’s needs are being met as well.”

Mandel also emphasizes this kind of respect, and adds a dose of flexibility, offering personal and professional growth and fulfillment. “We have desires, aspirations, and feelings, and recognizing that these all need to exist within the greater context of the workplace is essential. Treat other people as you would expect to be treated, but also, expect more of yourself as an employer than you expect of your employees; it sets a great example.”

Environment is also important, to allow workers to grow and not be confined to a specific role or function, Mandel explains, allowing the individual “to mature and progress as an individual, not just an employee. Exceptional organizations are constantly looking for the best possible talent available, looking to raise the bar with the level of talent on board,” he adds.

“As Jim Collins puts it in Good to Great (Harper, 2001), it’s about having the right people on the bus and in the right seats. When you have the best people and the best talent available, they will naturally gravitate to the work that best suits their position.”

By not limiting or ‘pigeon-holing’ someone, Mandel says this allows workers to “spread their wings a little, embrace creativity, and express themselves in ways they may not otherwise.” 

The End Game
It’s more important than ever, in a highly competitive and volatile job market, to pursue excellence. As an individual, developing the skills and traits of an ‘exemplary’ employee will make you more valuable to your employer, encouraging better pay and more perks.

As an employer, inspiring and keeping outstanding workers is vital to achieving corporate goals and ongoing success. In an oft-quoted Forbes interview, Southwest Airlines co-founder Herb Kelleher answered the business school version of the chicken-and-egg conundrum: “Who comes first: your shareholders, your employees, or your customers?”

For Kelleher, the answer was simple—employees. This is backed up by the airline’s current CEO, Gary Kelly, who told Forbes in 2013, “Everything begins and ends with our people. If we keep our employees happy and engaged, they will keep our customers happy, who will reward us with their loyalty. That repeat business helps our bottom line and creates value for our shareholders.”

So there is no conundrum: your employees are your business, and if you’re fortunate enough to have one or more exemplary workers, acknowledge their skills and the ability to lead, as they are the future of your company.

Image: Shutterstock


Leonard Pierce is a freelance writer with more than twenty years experience in the food industry.