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Florida Tomato Exchange’s EVP comments on tomato dumping

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The U.S. Department of Commerce is in the process of determining whether to continue the current Tomato Suspension Agreement with Mexico, in effect since 2019, which regulates Mexican tomato exports to the United States.

The Produce Reporter Week in Review – October 27, 2023

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IFPA Global Produce & Floral Show recovery continues, as Greg and others get ready to attend the inaugural FPAA Southwest International Produce Expo in Tucson next week.

NatureSweet supports preserving 2019 Tomato Suspension Agreement

- General News
With broad support from tomato producers, trade associations, state and local leaders, and beyond, NatureSweet has submitted comments to the U.S. Department of Commerce strongly urging the government to preserve the 2019 Tomato Suspension Agreement, which is critical to ensuring stability and fair practices in the market for fresh tomatoes.

FPAA: Anti-dumping duties are not the answer to Florida tomato growers’ woes

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FPAA: Anti-dumping duties will not fix what ails the Florida tomato industry, no matter how much the Florida Tomato Exchange wishes for them.

FPAA: Pending Commerce Department decision on tomato imports could kill U.S. jobs, hike prices

- General News
In the most recent development from the Florida Tomato Exchange’s fight to terminate a successful tomato trade agreement, today marks the close of the month-long rebuttal period and the start of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s decision-making period. 

NatureSweet warns tomato tariffs would cause price increases for consumers

- General News
The Tomato Suspension Agreement, which has been in place in various forms since 1996 and was most recently renegotiated in 2019, ensures fair trade practices and a stable market for imports of fresh tomatoes from Mexico to the United States.

FPAA: Commerce report discredits claims of noncompliance, undermines arguments for new tomato tax

- General News
Preliminary findings from the Department of Commerce's third administrative review of the 2019 Tomato Suspension Agreement (TSA), debunking the allegations by a special interest group seeking to terminate the TSA.

A glimpse into dumping

- Analysis
The simmering dispute over the dumping of Mexican fresh tomatoes in the U.S. market leads one to ask exactly what dumping is.

FTE: FPAA cites study with no basis in reality to distract from Mexican dumping

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Last week, the Fresh Produce Association of the Americas, which represents importers of Mexican tomatoes, used a misleading study to distract from Mexico’s record of dumping tomatoes.

Study shows proposed U.S. tariffs could spike tomato prices

- General News
American consumers could soon be paying approximately 50% more for retail tomatoes, according to a new economic analysis of proposed punitive duties on fresh tomatoes from Mexico currently under consideration by the U.S. Department of Commerce.