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U.S. consumer confidence rose in May

- General News
The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index rose in May to 102.0 (1985=100) from 97.5 in April (a slight upward revision). The Present Situation Index—based on consumers' assessment of current business and labor market conditions—increased to 143.1 (1985=100) in May from 140.6 in April.

Bad weather hurts January restaurant performance

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January offered little clarity in terms of the current health of the restaurant industry from a year-over-year growth perspective.

Canadian restaurant industry struggles increase in 2024

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According to the Conference Board of Canada, the restaurant economy’s lackluster performance in the second half of 2023 will spill over into the first months of 2024 with minimal growth expected.

Report shows agriculture’s growing impact on U.S. economy, surpassing pre-pandemic levels

- General News
Today 25 food and agriculture groups released the seventh annual Feeding the Economy report, revealing food and agriculture industries and their suppliers contribute over $8.6 trillion to the U.S. economy, nearly one-fifth of total national output and a 22% increase since the 2019 report.

CFO economic outlook worsens amid market turmoil

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Fifty-two percent of CFOs view the current North American economy as good or very good, a decline from 64% in Q1.

Numerator’s data shows high grocery inflation

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Numerator, a data and tech company serving the market research space, has released new Inflation Insights providing an omnichannel, omnicategory view of rising prices and the impact on consumer behavior.