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Gain Knowledge

Sound decisions are informed decisions. At Blue Book Services, we’ve made providing the data you need the very basis of our business.

Whether it’s specific information about commodities, business partners or the latest industry news, the library of knowledge you gain with a Blue Book Services Membership is like nothing else in the industry. Our educational tools include:
  • New Hire Academy: A collection of educational videos addressing industry trading and how to interpret Blue Book ratings
  • Online Reference Guide: Guidelines and laws for shipping and receiving perishables
  • Produce Blueprints journal: Industry-specific articles covering a wide range of topics for the entire fresh fruit and vegetable supply chain
  • Know Your Commodity Resources: Information on top commodity types, availability and more
  • News: Industry news items from Blue Book Services and syndicated content from third party providers
  • Blue Book Online Services Member Newsletter
  • Online videos: how to use membership products and services
All of these resources and more are available right here online or via Blue Book Online Services (BBOS). Additionally, we have Blue Book Services representatives happy to help with any questions you may have about our services online or by phone. Feel free to contact us for assistance. To learn more about membership, click here.