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We’ve been the leading provider of credit and marketing information for the produce industry since 1901. This lineage has made our company a trusted, well-known resource among organizations in the fruit & vegetable supply chain. The various solutions within a Blue Book Services Membership can assist in making more sound business decisions. Putting in-depth information, as well as a knowledgeable staff, at the fingertips of business can help assist with prospecting new business, evaluating trading partners, promoting your company, staying current on industry trends and collecting unpaid debts. Blue Book Services provides the best resources available anywhere to enable you to succeed. Learn more about our wide array of services by following the links below: [smartblock id=1545] To learn more about the different membership options, follow the above links or feel free to contact us. Our representatives will be happy to help determine how a Blue Book Services membership can best be used to expand and support any business.