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When to call for a government inspection

- Dock to Dock
You’ve receiving a distressed produce load, but is a government inspection certificate necessary to make a claim?

What to consider in a transit temp dispute

- Dock to Dock
Here's why when transit temperatures are disputed, we believe parties should be open to all available information on what the air temperatures were within the trailer during the trip in question.

PBH slams fear-inducing Dirty Dozen

- Dock to Dock

From Wendy Reinhardt Kapsak Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist, President and CEO Produce for Better Health Foundation BB #:157162 …


Warm weather and transit temps

- Dock to Dock
If a carrier can not warrant transit temperatures it should consider refusing the load.

Shortage claims must allow for validation

- Dock to Dock
Any problems on arrival should be noted on the delivery receipt with specificity.

Wrongfully rejected loads

- Dock to Dock
In close cases it is often better to attempt to settle a dispute rather than putting the questions to a judge or arbitrator.

Warm weather transit temps – how to handle a hot trip

- Dock to Dock
If a carrier cannot warrant transit temperatures it should consider refusing the load.

Who is responsible when produce is frozen in transport?

- Trading Assistance

The Problem: Carrier denies full responsibility despite evidence product was frozen in transit. The Key Point: If the carrier …


Hot reefer download

- Dock to Dock

The Problem: Return air temperature readings show warm temperatures. The Key Point: Return air temperatures are …
