Payment & Blue Book Listing

You have selected to receive a Business Report for Johanson Transportation Service
$115.00 Business Report

Designed for produce suppliers, buyers, transporters, and allied service businesses who are seeking to perform a detailed evaluation of a company with specific interest in current and historical financial, pay, and rating facts.

The Business Report includes, if available/applicable:

  • Blue Book ID#
  • Company name
  • Listing location
  • Addresses
  • Phones
  • Faxes
  • E-mails & website
  • Principals & titles
  • Current company rating & rating definition
  • Current Blue Book Score and industry average
  • Recent business developments
  • Business profile & background
  • Bankruptcy events
  • Personnel background
  • Last three financial statements provided
  • Year-to-date trade report summary
  • Previous two calendar years of trade reports
  • Trade report details for the past 18 months
  • Commodities handled
  • How the company operates
  • Annual volume
  • Alternate trade names
  • Affiliated businesses
  • Branch locations

Rating information is provided in easy-to-interpret tables and graphs.

Please provide a valid email address below. The selected Business Report will be emailed to this address after the payment has been processed.

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