Chile’s total exports from January to October amounted to $79.962 billion, which means a slight increase of 0.9 percent compared to the same period in 2023, according to a study carried out by the Market Intelligence Subdepartment of the Strategic Development Directorate of ProChile.

If only the data for October are considered, total exports were $8.721 billion, increasing by 12.2 percent compared to the previous year.
This study indicates that exports of non-copper, non-lithium goods during the same period amounted to $34.429 billion, which represents a slight decrease of 1.9 percent. However, services exports registered $1.973 billion, which is equivalent to 18.0 percent.
Based on the report, two months before the end of the year, it is already possible to say that fresh fruit exports have reached a new record. Although there are still two months left to close the year, fresh fruit exports register $5.248 billion, which means an increase of 20.5 percent compared to 2023, a figure that exceeds the growth record of 20.3 percent achieved in 2022.
As for destinations, the most relevant market is China, with shipments of $2.198 billion (+26.6 percent compared to the previous year). It is followed by the United States with $1.210 billion and +11.9 percent, and further behind is Brazil with shipments of $209 million, +71.1 percent.