FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 11, 2024. The Peruvian Asparagus Importers Association (PAIA) has released its 2023/2024 Fresh Asparagus Category Trends, Statistics & Demographics Report.
“PAIA promotes the use of this Category Report to aid in providing US retailers with essential statistics and customized demographics that will enable them to sell fresh asparagus,” says Priscilla Lleras, Executive Director of PAIA.
The Report found that 37% of U.S. consumers stated that they purchased asparagus in the past 12 months, an 11% increase from the year prior.
“This is the perfect opportunity for retailers to promote fresh asparagus year-round with various types of SKUs, including valued added products, that will result in year-round sales for the retailer and the commodity,” states Craig Rolandelli of JMB/Jacobs Malcom & Burtt and Co-Chairman of PAIA.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture/FAS, Peru experienced a 5% increase in year-over-year import value.
“The weather phenomena of 2023 resulted in a year like no other, with Cyclone Yako leaving northern Peru devasted and exports of fresh asparagus very challenging,” says Carlos Solf of Southern Specialties and Co-Chairman of PAIA. “Yet, Peru demonstrated resilience and proved profitable to the U.S. in import values.”

“The demographic information published in the report, provides and equips retailers with the information that will enable them to sell more Peruvian asparagus,” says Lleras. “Our goal is to inform and promote the trade. Retailers and other industry members can stay informed about what we’re doing by checking in with their PAIA-member suppliers. Or if you need a supplier/importer of fresh asparagus, check out our website.”
The association will focus even greater efforts in 2024 on spreading valuable information about fresh asparagus to industry trade press, retailers, and foodservice.
The 2023/2024 Fresh Asparagus Category Trends, Statistics & Demographics Report is available on the PAIA website at: