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The Produce Reporter Week in Review – January 31, 2020

The Super Bowl is coming, and that means avocados, avocados, avocados. Record volumes entered in the US from Mexico in the third week of January, and hopefully that will make guacamole to soothe Kansas City fan Greg’s nerves.

Pamela also has record volumes of Cosmic Crisp apples in her refrigerator, thanks to excellent prices and merchandising at Walmart. Hy-vee is pouring more resources into discount banners, here’s why.

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The Super Bowl is coming, and that means avocados, avocados, avocados. Record volumes entered in the US from Mexico in the third week of January, and hopefully that will make guacamole to soothe Kansas City fan Greg’s nerves.

Pamela also has record volumes of Cosmic Crisp apples in her refrigerator, thanks to excellent prices and merchandising at Walmart. Hy-vee is pouring more resources into discount banners, here’s why.

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